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Atlanta to Miami bus

Traveling by bus from Atlanta to Miami is an option for covering ​the journey that spans a distance of approximately 1,100 kilometers and the duration varies between 12 and 18 hours,⁢ depending on the ⁣route and intermediate stops. The tickets vary in price, generally‍ ranging from $40⁢ to $60 USD.

Travelers can depart from the Greyhound Station located in the heart of Atlanta. The arrival is at​ the “Miami Central Station,” situated in downtown Miami. Among the main companies ⁤ operating this route are Greyhound and ​ Flixbus, offering various options in terms of schedules and types of service.

This article​ will provide‍ detailed information about schedules, prices, and where to buy tickets for this popular travel route.

icono reloj

How many hours is it?:
12 - 18 hours

icono dinero

How much does a ticket cost?:
40 - 66 USD

icono distancia

975 Km

icono sol

First departure:

icono luna

Last departure:

Next departures Wednesday 23 De October


Atlanta Bus Station
Miami (MIA) Airport - Miami Intermodal Center
con wifi con baño con enchufes
Duration: 13h50
In partnership with


Atlanta Bus Station
Miami (MIA) Airport - Miami Intermodal Center
con wifi con baño con enchufes
Duration: 17h20
In partnership with


Downtown Civic Center
Miami Airport (MIA)
con wifi con baño con enchufes
Duration: 12h
In partnership with


Downtown Civic Center
Miami Airport (MIA)
con wifi con baño con enchufes
Duration: 12h55
In partnership with

Atlanta to Miami: Schedules and Ticket Prices

If you are looking to travel by bus from Atlanta to Miami, the departure times vary between 00:25 and 23:45, with peak hours to avoid during the afternoon ‍for a faster arrival at your destination.

The tickets have ⁣a price range that is considered⁣ affordable for the distance covered by‌ the journey. ‌Compared to other similar routes, these⁤ prices are within the expected standards.

The main companies operating this route offer discounts for students, seniors, and active military service members, in addition to special promotions during ⁢certain ⁣times of the year.

To find out the specific fares and the departure and arrival schedules, we invite you to review the following table with detailed information ⁤that will help you plan your trip effectively.

CompanyDeparture SchedulesArrival Schedules


Ticket price: 45 USD


Civic Center (Atlanta)

00:25, 01:25, 06:00, 10:00, 14:10, 16:00, 19:25, 23:45

Miami Intermodal Center

13:55, 14:55, 19:30, 23:30, 02:40, 04:30, 08:00, 12:15


Ticket price: 55 USD


Atlanta Bus Station

01:00, 05:30, 09:15, 12:15, 16:30, 19:30, 23:30

Miami Intermodal Center

14:00, 19:00, 22:45, 01:45, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00


Ticket price: 99.00 USD


Atlanta Airport

07:00, 13:00, 19:00

Miami Airport

19:15, 01:15, 07:15

* The cost of tickets may vary depending on the season.

The information is subject to change without prior notice.

Where to Buy Tickets

  1. Operator Websites: The main option to buy a bus ticket to travel ‍from Atlanta to Miami is through the websites of⁢ the companies operating this route. Here, you​ can check schedules, prices, and seat availability in real time.
  2. Sales⁣ Phone Numbers: With this option, you can clarify any doubts you may ‌have about the trip, and in some cases, you might even find special offers or promotions.
  3. Bus​ Terminals: Meanwhile, if you prefer to conduct your transactions‌ in person, you have the opportunity to do so at bus terminals. In Atlanta, you can go‍ to the Greyhound Terminal or the Megabus Terminal. In Miami, you can ​also‍ purchase‌ your ticket at the Greyhound Terminal or the Megabus Terminal.
  4. Travel Agencies: Lastly, you have ⁣the option to go to a travel agency to buy your ticket.

Bus terminals from Atlanta, GA to Miami, FL